When it comes to a New Year’s Resolution everybody wants to change or improve something – either personal, at work, or at home.
No matter what the reason, organizing helps you achieve your 2016 goals in more ways than one.
Why? De-cluttering and keeping everything more Organized will help you achieve some of the most popular new year resolutions – like staying fit, losing weight and enjoying your life to the fullest.
Researchers have found a connection between obesity, clutter and mental health.
- Clutter affects body, mind and emotions.
- It deceases motivation and affects chances of exercise
- It can aggravate allergies with buildup of dust mites
- Clutter can cause feelings of depression and create a sense of being overwhelmed
- It can decrease energy levels
- Too much clutter can be distracting and the ability to focus is reduced.
- Don’t stack clothes. Fold and roll to see everything more clearly.
- Stop putting it off. Just start with one small piece of the project and then move on to the next. You will get it all done.
- Be mindful of meals and sit at the table with your family.
- Organize everything by the color of the rainbow.
- Take everything out and only put back what you really want or will use.
- Find a sensible plan to follow.
- Build a storage or organizer cabinet.
For organization and storage solutions, call Dream Garage Specialists.
We can give you the tools you need to have a more organized 2016!